Order = 65784756654489600 = 214.316.
Mult = 2.
Out = 2.

Porting notes

Porting complete except for notes on v1/v2 standard generators.

Standard generators

Standard generators of O9(3) are a, b where a is in class 2A, b is in class 9N/O, ab has order 41 and ababb has order 39.

Standard generators of 2.O9(3) are preimages A, B where B has order 9 and AB has order 41.

Standard generators of O9(3):2 are c, d where c is in class 2E, d is in class 9NO, cd has order 84 and cdcdd has order 12.

Standard generators of 2.O9(3):2 are preimages C, D where D has order 9.


Representations of O9(3)

Representations of 2.O9(3)

Representations of O9(3):2

Representations of 2.O9(3):2