ATLAS: Symplectic group S10(2)

Order = 24815256521932800 =
Mult = 1.
Out = 1.

The following information is available for S10(2):

Standard generators

Standard generators of S10(2) are a and b where a is in class 2A, b has order 11 and ab has order 15.
NB: Class 2A is the class of transvections in the natural 10­dimensional representation of S10(2).

Black box algorithms

Finding generators

To find standard generators for S10(2): This algorithm is available in computer readable format: finder for S10(2).

Checking generators

To check that elements x and y of S10(2) are standard generators:

This algorithm is available in computer readable format: checker for S10(2).


A presentation for S10(2) in terms of its standard generators is given below.

< a, b | a2 = b11 = (ab)15 = (ab5)18 = [a, b]3 = [a, b2]2 = [a, b3]2 = [a, b4]2 = [a, b5]3 = [a, (ab)5]2 = 1 >.

This presentation is available in Magma format as follows: S10(2) on a and b.


The representations of S10(2) available are:

Maximal subgroups

The maximal subgroups of S10(2) include the following.
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Version 2.0 created on 22nd May 1999.
Last updated 13.01.05 by SJN.
Information checked to Level 1 on 22.05.99 by JNB.
R.A.Wilson, R.A.Parker and J.N.Bray.