ATLAS: Exceptional group 2E6(2)

Order = 76532479683774853939200 =
Mult = 22 × 3.
Out = S3.

Standard generators and automorphisms

Standard generators of 2E6(2) are a and b where a is in class 2B, b is in class 3C, ab has order 19 and abababb has order 33.
Standard generators of the double cover 2.2E6(2) are preimages A and B where B has order 3, AB has order 19 and ABABABB has order 33.
Standard generators of the triple cover 3.2E6(2) are preimages A and B where A has order 2 and AB has order 19.

Standard generators of 2E6(2):2 are e and f where e is in class 2D, f is in class 8R, ef has order 19, and efeff has order 30.
Standard generators of 3.2E6(2):2 are preimages E and F where EF has order 19.
Standard generators of 2.2E6(2):2 are preimages E and F where EF has order 19.

Standard generators for the other groups below are not defined.


An automorphism of order 3 of 2E6(2) may be obtained by mapping (a, b) to ((ab)^-2bab, (abb)^-6b(abb)^6).
An automorphism of order 2 of 2E6(2) may be obtained by mapping (a, b) to (a, (abb)^-9b(abb)^9).


2E6(2) and covers

2E6(2):2 and covers

2E6(2):3 and covers

2E6(2):S3 and covers

Maximal subgroups

The maximal subgroups of 2E6(2) include: The maximal subgroups of 2E6(2):2 include:
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Version 2.0 created on 26th April 2000.
Last updated 06.01.04 by RAW.
Information checked to Level 0 on 23.05.00 by JNB.
R.A.Wilson, R.A.Parker and J.N.Bray.