ATLAS: Linear group L2(31)

Order = 14880 =
Mult = 2.
Out = 2.

Standard generators

Standard generators of L2(31) are a and b where a has order 2, b has order 3 and ab has order 31.
Standard generators of the double cover 2.L2(31) = SL2(31) are preimages A and B where B has order 3 and AB has order 31.

Standard generators of L2(31):2 = PGL2(31) are c and d where c has order 2, d has order 3, cd has order 10 and cdcdd has order 8.
Standard generators of either of the double covers 2.L2(31).2 = 2.PGL2(31) are preimages C and D where D has order 3.


Presentations for L2(31) and L2(31):2 = PGL2(31) in terms of their standard generators are given below.

< a, b | a2 = b3 = [a,b]3ab[a,b][a,bab][a,b-1abab] = 1 >.

< c, d | c2 = d3 = (cd)10 = [c, d]8 = (cd(cdcdcd-1)3)2 = 1 >.


The representations of L2(31) available are: The representations of 2.L2(31) = SL2(31) available are The representations of L2(31):2 available are:

Maximal subgroups

The maximal subgroups of L2(31) are as follows. The maximal subgroups of L2(31):2 are as follows.

Conjugacy classes

A set of generators for the maximal cyclic subgroups of L2(31) can be obtained by running this program on the standard generators. All conjugacy classes can therefore be obtained as suitable powers of these elements.

A set of generators for the maximal cyclic subgroups of L2(31):2 can be obtained by running this program on the standard generators. All conjugacy classes can therefore be obtained as suitable powers of these elements.

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Version 2.0 file created on 17th January 2002, from Version 1 file last modified on 28.10.98.
Last updated 27.06.06 by JNB.
Information checked to Level 0 on 17.01.02 by RAW.
R.A.Wilson, R.A.Parker and J.N.Bray.